Today I took my two boys to a birthday party at the skating rink.  Neither of my boys are great skaters yet, but they do try.  For two hours, I watched them struggle to stay on their feet and master the skills that other kids their age and some even younger make look so easy.  And then my 7 year old asked me the question that inspired today’s post.  He said, “Daddy, how come they can skate better than me and why don’t they fall down as much as I do?”


I pray that the words you read next will inspire you to do like my boys did today… Keep Skating! So what can learning to skate teach us about living a life that pleases God?


Sometimes we become so overwhelmed when we struggle to do what we observe others doing so easily.  Living for the Lord is just like skating.  Some people make it look easy.  They pray so well, they know many verses, they seem to have it all together.  Guess what… They used to fall down too.  The reason that they are able to do these things so well is because when they fell down they got back up and kept skating.  Every day that we choose to walk with God will make staying on our feet easier and then one day we will find that we fall less often too.



There is not magic formula to become a competent skater.  You just have to keep skating.  You can’t expect to go skating one time and be able to skate as well as the others that skate 2 to 3 times per week.  Practice brings about improvement.  In skating and in life, the more we practice the better we will become.  It is so cool to watch people that can skate forwards or backwards and do it with such grace and rhythm.  This didn’t come overnight, this came with much practice and after many falls.  It’s not magic that you need, its a mindset of determination to keep doing what it takes to master the skills needed to stay on your feet.


3.  Choose Your Skates Wisely

My 7 year old could hardly stand up without falling while wearing the beginner skates but when he looked at the experienced skaters in their nice speed skates he found himself wanting to trade in his skates for the speed skates.  I had to explain to him that he wasn’t ready for those until he could first control his balance in the skates he already had.  This is a lesson that many of us have to learn the hard way as well.  We are so quick to try to graduate to something that we are NOT ready for.  God will never put more on us than we can bare, but we often put more on ourselves.  We toss in those old skates and put on skates that we have no business wearing.  The falls become more prevalent and often times even more dangerous.  We must remember that every time we fall, we can hurt ourselves or hurt someone else.  There will come a time when we will be ready for those speed skates, but until then we must lace up the beginner skates and practice, practice, practice until we master them. Be patient and enjoy your journey with God.  Soon you’ll be one of those graceful skaters that others are looking at and wishing they could do what you do.


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