Try explaining to a 4 year old that some of his old toys have to go to make room for his new toys and see the reaction you get.  Can you say tears, tears and more tears! More than likely it’s the same reaction that God gets when He explains to us that in order to receive greater, we must be willing to let go of what we presently have.  Here are 2 things to think about if we desire to be blessed of God:

God Blesses Us So We Will Be A Blessing To Others

The sooner we understand this valuable principle the sooner we will experience a life of contentment and peace.  The problem that most of us face is that we don’t know when “Enough is Enough”.  Our pursuit of “More and More” keeps us being appreciative of what God has already given us and it totally robs us of having peace.  What if, and this may be a crazy thought… What if we found satisfaction and contentment with what we already have and sought to help others that didn’t have as much?  When this becomes our mindset, we open ourselves up for God to open His hand of blessing upon us.


Open Your Hands And Watch God Open His

My son’s unwillingness to open his hand and give up his old toys kept us from having room to place his new toys.  Until something went out, there was no room for something new to come in.  Learning to be a giver is one of the greatest learning experiences that we will ever have.  We must remember that holding on to “what is” often times keeps us from “what could be”.  Don’t be tight fisted!  Open up your hand of compassion and help someone else and watch how God will give you more, to “DO MORE”.


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