“Your” Role Is Important


I love watching football. I love seeing the chess match between each coach as they strive to lead their teams to victory. But I saw something the other night that made me pause and ponder the importance of serving and not needing a spotlight or recognition. The game between the Green Bay Packers and the Seattle Seahawks had just ended and everyone was in the middle of the field shaking hands and congratulating each other. I watched their breath form clouds that filled the air and knew immediately that is was too cold for me to want to play in that weather. The camera caught the Packers star quarterback being corralled by the reporter for a quick post-game comment. Standing beside him was one of the staff members patiently awaiting the quarterback to take off his helmet so he could take the helmet and then hand him his warm hat to protect him from the elements. When I saw that, this is what hit me like a ton of brick…


Every Role Is Important

Without everyone accepting and performing their roles at a high level the entire organization would suffer. How does this transfer to our spiritual lives or to the success of the church? EVERYBODY has something to bring to the table and when we don’t bring our portion it hurts the team. In 1 Corinthians 12:14-27, the Apostle Paul paints a beautiful picture for us to see and understand the importance of each part of the body. While the quarterback did throw the game winning pass, the man that hands him his hat after the game, puts the quarterback in a position where all he has to concern himself with is helping the team win. Imagine how much more impactful our churches could be if we all KNEW and then PERFORMED our roles with passion and commitment. I watched another game the day before and observed how the punter was so good at his job that he would pin the opposing team deep on their side of the field on every kick. This may not seem important to a person that doesn’t understand football but that means each time they would have to go 80-90 yards in order to score. And anything could happen in those 80-90 yards to give his team a chance to succeed.

Imagine how much more impactful our churches could be if we all KNEW and then PERFORMED our roles with passion and commitment.

Maybe you aren’t the pastor, a licensed minister, a teacher, or even a deacon. Maybe all you do is greet the people as they come to worship. “All you do…” I’ve always hated when I heard someone describe their role as “all I do is…” when they felt their role was insignificant. Do you know the reason why the pastor or minister was able to speak a word that penetrated the heart of those sitting in the seats? It was because YOUR warm welcome helped put them in a worship mood immediately after walking into the house of God. Maybe you are part of the cleaning crew that ensures the church stays clean and tidy for worship. People don’t appreciate a clean environment until they are forced to be in one that is unkept and unclean. Maybe you are an usher and your role is to help maintain order during the worship. It is more than just handing out programs and showing someone where to sit. Your role is vital to the overall worship setting.

So from now on I pray that you will understand and appreciate the value that you bring to your church in whatever role that you serve. Whether you are part of the kitchen committee, the nursery, the outreach ministry, or if you contribute by giving your tithe each week to help the church financially, please don’t overlook how YOUR role helps the entire body function at full capacity. If you are not serving in your church in any capacity as you read this, I would like to encourage you to pray and ask God where He would like you to serve and then give of your time to that particular ministry in your church. Don’t sit back and watch, jump in a work! But if you’re going to do it please follow the words of Paul in Colossians 3:23, “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters,” (NIV)



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